v0.7.0 - The True Happiness update
Meaningful Stories for The Sims 4 » Devlog
Meaningful Stories now includes True Happiness, an overhauled mood script, and some new mood features.
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I talked a little in this progress report about the mood script overhaul I've been working on. It's been a big task, but I think it's paid off with a foundation for the mod that is more powerful and more reliable.
- The features of True Happiness are now included in Meaningful Stories. The stand-alone True Happiness mod should be uninstalled before installing Meaningful Stories 0.7.0.
- The central features of True Happiness can be enabled or disabled in Meaningful Stories by choosing to install or uninstall the file 'roBurky - MeaningfulStories-TrueHappiness.package'.
- Some improvements to True Happiness features. Careers now give more accurate performance benefits to sims that are truly happy. Pie menu options now show mood tags more accurately when interactions benefit from happiness, and existing tooltips should no longer be overwritten.
- Other mod makers can now make happy moodlets in their own mods become true happy moodlets when using Meaningful Stories! Look out for another blog post about this feature soon.
- The mood feature 'Passive Happiness' is now included. When enabled, this lowers the thresholds needed for positive moods to reach higher intensity levels like 'Very Playful' and 'Hysterical', but also prevents happy moodlets from affecting the intensity level of other positive moods.
- The mood feature 'Assertive Happiness' is now included. This feature defaults to disabled, and is recommended only for when True Happiness is not being used. When enabled, large happy moodlets can sometimes overpower smaller positive emotional moodlets.
- A new unofficial patch feature to fix a bug in the unmodded game where some careers did not give performance benefits to sims in the career's ideal mood.
- The option to open the Meaningful Stories settings menu now appears on the last page of the pie menu on the active sim, no longer getting in your way during play.
- Visible mood change inertia moodlets can now be properly dismissed when using the UI Cheats mod.
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Meaningful Stories for The Sims 4
A mod to let your sims feel more human
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